
Media art is more than just another artform. Especially in Linz, it’s intimately associated with social development and has initiated various other developments too.


Linz – City of Media Art Research

An essential step towards strengthening and further developing Linz as a City of Media Arts is the acquisition of the archive of VALIE EXPORT, a Linz native who has achieved worldwide fame as a feminist media & performance artist, and the establishment of the VALIE EXPORT Center in Tabakfabrik. This facility took place alongside the […]

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Research, Open Commons

Open Commons Linz

Since 2009, the Open Commons Linz initiative has made available a wide variety of “free” data: geo-data and statistical information having to do with city life, local government, recreation and tourism. An associated effort is the Hotspot initiative that has installed hotspots providing free WLAN, as well as Public Server, the municipal cloud available to […]

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